Thursday, May 1, 2008

Listen at what happened today!

Today was the worst day of my life. I lost my phone!!!!! I got into PE and I had to get dressed. I had put my phone in my pocket and then when we got back from playing outside I went to get dressed again. I could not find my phone. I was flipping out. So I looked high snd low for that thing. Then I went to the office about it. They tried to help me. That didnt help any. Well I went back to class. I went home and it was sitting on my bed. I was sooooooooooooo happy:):):):):):):)

I didnt have anthing else exciting today. But that was enpugh to last me a whole year.


Kelle said...

Great blog! I love your profile..."I'm not popular at school but I have enough friends to sort out into a whole army." That's all that matters! And you sound confident...which speaks LOADS more than popularity! Glad you are expressing yourself through a blog! And thanks for all the sweet comments you have left on Lainey! Hutcheson blood is pretty sweet, so I'm sure you are too!

Duane Hutcheson said...
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Duane Hutcheson said...

Well, the call came in. It was later than half past ten. The phone was gone. Oh no, what was to be done. Dad calls VERIZON. There's trouble brewing on the horizon. What to do, but sit there and stew. The long bus ride home with no one to phone. How can it be, this is happening to me. Then out of the blue, oh can it be true. There sits my phone all snuggly at home.




Kelly Hutcheson said...

I love your blog! I know I tell you that everytime I comment, but I really mean it! You have such a cute way of expressing yourself! You always make me laugh! I'm so glad you found your phone and didn't know your dad was so poetic! Love it!! xoxo
Aunt Kelly and Lily :)